
There is still a bright future for Greece - the first historical Motherland of our Europe.

Communication  www n°7 / June 15, 2012.

There is still a bright future for Greece - the first historical Motherland of our Europe.

          Greece is not that "2%" of the European GDP.  It has to be affirmed decisively : Greece  is NOT that supposedly "2%" of the European GDP !  Greece is far more than that.

          First of all, Greece is 3000 years of ancient Greek civilizations established over all the Mediterranean - the first "Mare Nostrum" of Europe, actually -, around the Black Sea, and, thanks to the epic of Alexander-the-Great, into both Egypt - where the ultimate Pharaonic dynasty (including Cleopatra) was Greek - and Persia, till the Indus river and well into Central Asia where an incredibly rich Greek-Buddhist culture emerged and throve during a millenium!

         Thus GREECE IS NOTHING LESS THAN THE FIRST HISTORICAL MOTHERLAND OF EUROPE - not a mere "2%" of its temporarily failing economy!!!

          Secondly, Greece is the one thousand year-long Byzantine empire which was an extraordinary development of our syncretic Greek-Roman Civilization.

          Then Greece is centuries of Resistance against the invasions, the occupation and the oppression by the Turks/"Ottomans"...

          The first historical Motherland of Europe, Greece is also the sole 5000 year-old country/civilization properly identified through ages in our continent, and, from this glorious past, so many names are still famous: Aeschylus, Archimedes, Aristotle, Aristophanes, Democritus, Demosthenes, Diodorus of Sicily, Diogenes, Empedocles, Epicurus, Euclid, Euripides, Eratosthenes, Heraclitus, Herodotus, Hesiod, Homer, Pericles, Phidias, Plato, Polybius, Ptolemy, Pythagoras, Socrates, Solon, Sophocles, Thales of Miletus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Zeno - non-exhaustively.
          They were the smartest minds of their time; all of them were Greeks!
          But, naturally, the most emblematic symbols of Ancient Greece are the Olympic Games. Like the three other pan-Hellenic Games - the Nemean ones and those in Delphi and in Corinth -, the Olympic Games are an intrinsic element of the history of Greece, an inalienable part of its Patrimony. And it should not be forgotten that these universally applauded days originated there 2788 years ago: in Greece!

          It has been suggested that Greece should now sell some of its islands... This is nonsense. For thousands of years, the Greeks have been fighting to defend their civilization. The last time, in 1974, the invasion in Cyprus resulted in 4000 deads among the Greek population... Never a Greek territory will be abandoned again, NEVER !!!

          There is no doubt that in times of dire economic crisis, some tough measures have to be taken. It does not automatically mean unfair austerity: here comes the difference between good governance and bad governance. Not so rarely in Europe, the DEBT stems from (more or less) years of bad governance, mainly when, to be elected or re-elected, irresponsible politicians promise always more "rights" and more subsidies from the State. No surprise: the DEBT keeps on growing...
          Good governance first of all refers to balanced budgets, no new DEBT, and as many structural reforms as necessary - basically privatizations and deregulation -, as long as it does not have unfair consequences for the tax-payers and for the weaker populations of the country. That is good governance.
           Impoverishing people is all the contrary; far, far from good governance!...

          Additional structural reforms might be chosen without austerity. Directly derived from the Constitution for the United States of Europe, Dr. Victor's (2009) "Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe" [1] has been introducing transformational structural REFORMS TO SAVE MORE THAN €400 BILLION EVERY YEAR IN EUROPE. Some of these reforms and connected ones - not described in that Plan but praised by a few analysts, too - could be implemented by a new responsible Greek government WITH NO AUSTERITY.  According to the Constitution for the United States of Europe, for every European country there is indeed a kind of POSSIBLE "Magic Wand" programme, respectful to its own historical identity and to its total sovereignty among our European family.

          Anyway, IT IS UP TO THE GREEKS TO DECIDE! Not to the I.M.F. or to the U.N.O., not to the Supreme Soviet of Brussels or to the Politburo of Paris!
          For everything relating to Greece, of course, it is up to the Greeks to decide!!!
 Therefore, it is up to the Greeks to determine how to proceed to repay the DEBT. But the DEBT must be repaid. The German Finance Minister, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble - potentially the perfect Director of the future European Federal Reserve Bank -, is quite right: there is no alternative; DEBTS must be repaid. Always.

          Nevertheless, 4 limits must be strictly observed as regards any new programme of government: no taxes for the pensioners; no taxes for the Church; no cuts to the Defense budgets; and no taxes for the shipbuilders/shipowners. Why ?
          Because the pensioners have already been paying taxes during all their professional life, and because they have a new part in a weakened Society: to SUPPORT directly those among the younger generations of their FAMILY who need it.
          Because the Church, beyond its religious work, has a new social duty when the State is on the brink of ruin: to organize the economic SOLIDARITY for all the Greeks who have no other support.
          Because it is VITAL for the whole Europe that the Greek Armed Forces permanently remain more powerful than those of any potential invader(s).
          Because when the State is not, durably or even temporarily, in the heydays of its prosperity, it is up to other major actors of the Society TO INVEST AS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO KEEP THEIR COUNTRY AMONG THE TOP-RANKED ONES. For thousands of years, the Greeks are among the very best shipbuilders and seafarers in the world. Thus they now have the unique opportunity to head a Free World SHIPBUILDING Consortium - open to any other European, U.S., Japanese, Australian, (...) private companies - that will be tasked first with designing both the future warships of Europe [2] and all the needed platforms for the industrial conquest of the oceans, while organizing, somewhere in Greece, the giant shipyard(s) where these numerous ships will be either assembled or built altogether. This programme might be named "the Super-Island XXI-Project". Similarly, it makes no sense if Greece is not given a fair share of the vast SPACE CONQUEST Plan that Europe has urgently to impulse [3], with any allied power(s) or alone, to prevent the communist dictatorship of China from dominating the Outer Space and, ineluctably, Planet Earth... This is  another typical key STRATEGIC and PATRIOTIC financement that Greek Shipbuilders/Shipowners have to voluntarily launch, in place of the State or in addition to its currently too modest participation in the European Space Agency.

          As beforesaid, everybody should be aware that BOTH THE REPAYMENT OF THE DEBT - while keeping the € currency - AND THE ECONOMIC RECOVERY ARE POSSIBLE FOR GREECE, WITHOUT AUSTERITY.  Only traditional and transformational structural reforms are required. Immediately.

          The Economic Recovery will then increasingly, exponentially, be the fruit of the growing development of THE EXTRAORDINARY POTENTIAL THAT CONTEMPORARY GREECE HAS. Basically, like Italy, thanks to both its favourable climate and the richest historical Patrimony of our European Civilization - the Greek-Roman ages -, Greece definitively owns some of the very best touristic opportunities in the world.
          Additionally, Greece possesses an incomparable potential of renewable energies - solar (when "3D" panels recently developed by the (U.S.) M.I.T. capable of generating up to 20 times more power than all the previous generations of solar panels), wind and sea (at surface, sub-surface and deep-water levels) being the prominent ones - and a highly probable, though largely unexpected until the present years, double bonanza lying under the Eastern Mediterranean.
 It has been proven that huge reserves of gas lie under the sea between Israel and Cyprus. The same wealth is likely to exist under the Aegean Sea and around Crete. That could turn all the Eastern Mediterranean into another North Sea or another Gulf of Mexico, as regards gas (and oil?) production.
         The other energetic treasures may simply lie on the seabed: they are the immense mineral resources whose existence has been revealed in many places of the ocean-floors since the middle of the seventies, notably the so-called "poly-metallic nodules"

          Therefore, today's Greeks have all the good reasons to feel proud to be Greeks. Both for the Potential and for the Patrimony of their country. Among the 8 pillars of the building-process of our Home, our overall European Civilization, 2 were theirs: Ancient Greece and the Byzantine Empire - which is substantially more, qualitatively and quantitatively, than the "2%" sometimes evoked!...
          If any two (or three or more) European countries could form the nucleus of the real Europe (the future United States of Europe), NO "EUROPE" WILL EVER HAVE ANY LEGITIMACY IF IT DOES NOT INCLUDE GREECE (!!!) - plus Italy (because the Roman Empire was the first pan-European State and because the Italian Rinascimento was a key link) and plus Israel (which is the civilizational/"cultural" cradle of the Judeo-Christianity of Europe). Thus determining THE FIRST QUINTESSENTIAL ROOTS OF OUR IDENTITY : GREEK, ROMAN/LATIN, JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN !!!
          Of course, the 4 other pillars of our Home - the Celtic pillar, the Germanic pillar, the Scandinavian pillar and the Slavic pillar (according to the alphabetical order) - are fundamental, too. Both intrinsically, because they brought a new strength and vitality as well as new original features and attributes, and cumulatively, because they provided our European Civilization with its natural size: the continental one. which is of paramount importance for our long-term strategic interests. But they were built on the already existing basis of the former pillars. And - like it or not - the first of these pillars (and the fourth one) was Greek!!!...

          Well , - as Socrates used to teach - when it is realized that these truths are obvious, the conclusion becomes self-evident and inescapable: despite the current economic crisis, THE GREEKS REALLY HAVE TO BE PROUD TO BE GREEKS !!!      
   And, like President J.F. Kennedy in Berlin almost 50 years ago offered the Germans (newly isolated by the 155kilometer-long Wall and surrounded by communist dictatorships and their overwhelmingly threatening armies) the Free World's solidarity with its "Ich bin ein Berliner!", we - the millions of Europeans who know what Europe owes to historical Greece - , we wish to proclaim the same encouragement: we take pride in the words "ALL OF US, EUROPEANS, WE ARE GREEKS !!!"

                                                                                                          Dr. Victor.

[ Notes : ]
[ 1 ] : to be seen [communications n°1 to n°6] on http://global-strategic-political.blogspot.com (to be  precisely studied, not discarded at first sight)...
[ 2 ] : As a part of its new military Alliance with America - replacing the NATO -, Europe will build half the 600-ship "Dream Fleet" of the great President Ronald Reagan, unfortunately cancelled by the democrat Clinton...
[ 3 ] : partly due to the abandonment of the U.S. ambitious one (planned by the great President George Walker Bush)  by the democrat Obama...


Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [Part VI]

Communication www n°6 / April 26, 2010.

Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [Part VI]

            The introduction of (Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe) Part I mentionned the resources-sharing process that has to be applied once savings have been achieved. Substantial investments are required into three directions: the payment of the DEBT, conventional VITAL budgets, and NEW vital spendings.
             1 )   The DEBT.
                    Naturally, the European countries plagued by an overwhelming DEBT should view the step by step reimbursement of that DEBT as their top priority.
                     Example: every year France has to pay around €50 billions for the sole yearly COST of its DEBT - with the colossal DEBT remaining the same... The implementation of Dr. VICTOR's Plan  (for the Economic Recovery in Europe) in its entirety would provide France with an extra amount of more than €100 billions per year. Was France to opt for that extra bonanza, the wise sharing would allocate at least 60% of this (previously) unexpected budget to the repayment of the DEBT itself, thus lowering the COST of the DEBT for the following year(s) - the payment of the COST of the DEBT being included in the usual budgets. The remaining 40% (or less) of this extra revenue would then be appropriately shared between the VITAL conventional and NEW vital budgetary lines.
              2 )   The conventional VITAL budgetary lines. *
                      Depending on its own situation, each European country benefiting from the savings stemming from the implementation of Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe could reinforce any or all of its conventional VITAL budgets, among which are those of the following Departments: Defense, Counter-Intelligence, Police, Justice, Education, Family Support, Healthcare, Retirement Pensions, Scientific Research and Development, Territorial Development, (...)
               3 )   The NEW vital budgets. *
                       A new emphasis set on conventional VITAL budgetary lines may result in their alignment in this category of "NEW vital budgets".
                        Heading for a total Agricultural Independence for Europe requires a very important increase of financing almost everywhere on our continent, for example.
                        Similarly, gigantic investments are absolutely needed to guarantee the re-development and redeployment of our industrial base - before we lose it altogether... [See the next Communications from Dr. VICTOR]
                         But the most important investment for our Future must be the adoption of an extremely vigorous pro-Birth policy wherever it's needed in Europe. *

[ * :Refer to Dr. VICTOR's (2006) Constitution for the United States of Europe in Dr. VICTOR's "Nothing But the United States of Europe!" - unpublished yet.]

            [ N.B. : See the next Communications from Dr. VICTOR in the coming weeks :
                         - VITAL for Europe: the Re-Industrialization of our Continent;
                         - VITAL for Europe: the re-establishment of our Independence about petroleum, gas, and
                            strategic minerals;
                         - VITAL for Europe: the right Space Conquest programme;
                         - The VITAL Societal New Deal for Europe;
                          -        (...)   ]


Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [Part V]

Communication www n°5 / April 20, 2010.

Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [Part V]

          Although more intricate to be implemented, due to the permanent concern of the majority of European governments to abide by rampant conformism and political correctness, the scrapping of several big budgets allocated by European States to E.U. and international institutions and structures could save another huge amount of European taxpayers'money.
           The sole translating into more than 20 languages of the E.U. bureaucratic stuff costs around €1billion per year! And shuttling the M.E.P.s between Brussels and Strasbourg (France) adds another €200millions to the bill... [ For other basic details, see Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe, Part I (point 3); For the whole programme, refer to Dr. VICTOR's (2006) Constitution for the United States of Europe in Dr. VICTOR's unpublished "Nothing But The United States Of Europe". ]
            Anyway, sooner or later, every European State will have to choose its future, far beyond its ordinary horizon (the coming electoral contest): to remain a (more or less passive and more or less economically incompetent) cog in that fictional entity designated "the European Union" - that famously powerless political dwarf - or to FREELY enter the building process of a future Great Power ("the United States of Europe" or simply "Europe" or "Europa" as it could be named) using its scarce but growing ressources to permanently improve the way of life of its population, increase its industrial strength, its scientific know-how, its political will and military might, while asserting itself on the world scene.
             Therefore what is needed, basically, is BOTH a continental "Common Market" - possibly with Russia, Japan and any friendly country willing to play by the same rules - and a core of a few European States aware before the others of their own historical duty: to act as pioneers/"Founding Fathers" in the institutional changes that will give birth to the REAL Europe, at last voluntarily and quietly unified in accordance with its identity made of its Roots, its History and its resulting geostrategic destiny.
              On the international scale, shall we vanish, economically marginalized and politically subordinated? Or shall we operate as required in order to re-establish our ante-bellum power? The richest continent on Earth, Europe has no say in this outdated "U.N.O."... This is not tolerable any longer. Europe will stop to be one of the most generous contributors there, and will invite all those who wish to join it in creating a "World Council", also headed by the USA, Russia, Japan, India and China - which, no doubt (!), will decide to transmute itself into another free giant country eventually. The first significant difference between the World Council and the antiquated UNO will be the costs: all assemblies and reunions will occur through visioconferences. No more bureaucracy! No more the countless-floor building! And, above all, not a cent from European taxpayers' money!


Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [PartIV]

Communication www n° 4 / April 18, 2010

Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [Part IV]

          5 )  Another very big chunk among possible savings is the termination of numerous - sometimes incredibly costly - subsidies distributed by European States to private European firms, corporations and companies.
                 Frequently these subsidies are only a complicated process to fairly compensate them for too heavy taxes and "social" charges. This situation is ridiculous. Of course, the right thing to do is to liquidate both these generous subsidies and that awful burden consisting in sheer socialist taxes and charges!
                 As regards the tiny minority of these subsidies which are objectively useful - because directly linked to vital sectors of Europe's sovereignty (like Industry, Defense and Agriculture) -, an automatic transfer of financing should be implemented: to lower the costs, there's nothing better than guaranteed MULTI-YEAR programmes of purchase by the States.
                  [ For further details about these "vital" programmes, see Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe Part VI, and refer to Dr. VICTOR's (2006) Constitution for the United States of Europe in Dr. VICTOR's (yet unpublished) book entitled "Nothing but the United States of Europe". ]


Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [Part III]

Communication www n°3 / April 16, 2010.

Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe [Part III]

         4 )  The single most important source of savings lies in the scrapping of the budgets for all of the non-vital university programmes.  [See Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe, Part I, for the definition of what is "vital" or "non-vital" in this category.]
                There's no doubt that studying Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, History, languages (and so on...) may be quite fascinating, but it's not up to the States to pay for that. Those who wish to spend years enjoying that kind of studies must pay the full cost of these studies, including the functioning costs of the universities teaching these interesting substances.
                 When decided, the termination of these budgetary lines might occur within a few months.


Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe (Part II)

Communication www n°2 / April  14, 2010.

Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe (Part II)

          As beforesaid, the simplest and fastest way to generate huge savings for every European State - from hundreds of millions to numerous billions, depending on the size of these usual spendings - is the immediate termination of different non-vital budgetary lines which (if decided) is quite achievable within a few months or even a few weeks.

          1 )   Systematically terminate the budgets for all of the State TVs and radios. 
                  Regarding that kind of activities, the States only have to prevent disinformation and the falsification of History. To secure this end, a kind of (possibly more or less privately-sponsored) "Federal Foundation against Disinformation and the Falsification of History" should have an automatic on air Right to Intervene, in order to negate the destabilization intentionnally brought by these processes of disinformation/falsification of History on the "public opinion" - that mass of the silly, ignorant of History and permanently underinformed.

          2 )   Systematically terminate the budgets for all of the public "Cultural departments" and for all of the "cultural" and "leisure" NGOs.
                  It is not up to the States to promote contemporary "Culture", and, as regards their country's really historical patrimony as well as a fair participation to the conservation of the so-called "World Patrimony", the European States should only organize (and then check) as many private structures as necessary to offer European citizens who wish it opportunities to become voluntary owners - i.e. free share-holders and no longer captive taxpayers - of this or that particular monument, natural park, theater or library.

          3 )   Equally simple and fast (if decided) to get are the important savings resulting from the annulment of all of the public budgets for sport events, festivities, political celebrations and international summits.
                  In times of dire economic crisis - and optionally permanently - , these expenses should become the first targets on the agenda of any responsible government.

                   [ Soon to come: Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe parts III, IV, V and VI. ]


Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe.

Communication WWW n°1 / March 31, 2010.
Ref: Dr. VICTOR's (March 2009) Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe.

Dr. VICTOR's Plan for the Economic Recovery in Europe (Part I)


€400billion is the minimum amount that European States could save every year simply by terminating many non-vital budgetary lines.
The second step being the redeployment of that money partly to vital budgetary lines - both to conventional (healthcare, retirement pensions, education and family support, solidarity, scientific research and betterment of infrastructures) and to new spendings*-, partly to the payment of the crippling DEBT. Each European country adjusting its own budgets according to its own situation - more or less DEBT resulting in more or less of these savings being used for that particular purpose -, under the supreme guidance of two fundamental principles: to provide all the Europeans with the highest (possible) level of prosperity; and to (re-)gain the status of a great political power that Europe deserves on the world scene, that of one of the major actors in the Free World, alongside the USA, Russia, Japan and India.

  1. More than €100billion could be saved by scrapping all of the financings for State TVs and radios, for public "cultural departments" as well as for private "cultural" or "leisure" organizations.

  2. More than €100billion could be saved by scrapping all of the financings for all non-vital university classes. Are qualified as "vital" for our free society only those classes related to medical (and paramedical) activities, those educating engineers and technical, mechanical and technological specialists, and all of the scientific studies heading for basic or applied Research (and development) in every possible "useful" sector of the sciences - thus excluding the "social" and "human" sciences. Accordingly, at the other end of the educational cursus, all of the budgets for public nurseries will be terminated*.

  3. More than €100billion could be saved by scrapping the financing for all useless "E.U." institutions and for all (non-vital) international organizations. About Europe: whereas, on the one hand, must be increased the budgets for industrial/scientific and security programmes - especially the Space, the Schengen and the anti-illegal immigration ones - and the budgets for the (both revised) regional development and agricultural policies, and, on the other hand, must be reinforced the powers of our Central Bank, all other funding for the "E.U." must be radically suppressed. Exit the Commission and the European Parliament! Exit the Council of Europe, the ICC and every other "E.U." tool! On the international scale, whereas Europe will both systematically heighten (on a bilateral basis) its cooperation with its friends and allies, and will provide the Third World populations who need it with more direct "aid", all of the usual fundings will be abandoned*.

  4. More than €100billion could be saved by scrapping all of the financings for the innumerable public festivities, sport events, political celebrations, diplomatic summits, and for all of the irrational subventions to private firms and corporations - whose only real need is for less charges and taxes!*

Do they prefer: EITHER more money for their healthcare OR, for example, more than €100billion squandered every year to fund hundreds of State TVs, radios, "cultural" public departments and NGOs?
Do they prefer: EITHER more money for their retirement pensions, OR, for example, more than €100billion poured every year into "useless" - i.e. non-vital - university classes?
Do they prefer: EITHER more money for their children, for their family and for the Solidarity Aid with the 100 million Europeans living under the official poverty line of their respective country, OR, for example, more than €100billion given every year to useless "E.U." and international institutions?
Do they prefer: EITHER more money for scientific research and development and for the improvement of European infrastructures, cities and countrysides, OR, for example, more than €100billion wasted every year to pay for almost everything that has not to be paid for by the European States?...

That's just vital for our Future...
Let them ACT NOW!!!
Let them play their part in the building-process of the SOCIETAL "NEW DEAL" Europe badly needs: let them give the right information to the Europeans.
And let the voluntary citizens - then responsibly - decide!


[*: Refer to Dr. VICTOR's (2006) "Constitution for the United States of Europe" in Dr.VICTOR's text "Nothing but the United States of Europe", 2006 - unpublished yet.]